Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
We x Infinity
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We x Infinity
Author:Pedersen Charlie (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    As the "Bin Laden door closes", a new door opens! WE x infinity is an innovative, disruptive, new visionary fiction that uses twenty second century quantum science cosmology to provide linked "hindsight" to the past, which is our present, and follows a cosmic path out of the chaos we know as the twenty first century. In WE x infinity, scientists from one hundred years in the future send intelligent e-messages, in hologram form, across the space-time continuum to thirteen quantum science labs around the world. A high speed trek from Berkeley, California, through Switzerland, China, Russia, England, Germany and Japan, culminates in a confrontation with the future in New York City. Pedersen's science heroes engage the CIA and Interpol to thwart white collar criminals and terrorists trying to disrupt new, world changing directives from reaching the United Nations General Assembly. What's presented? The state of our society and the path to preventing another world war. Designed as a quasi screen play, WE x is not only a fast flowing read, it confronts you with both the realities of our times and real solutions, entertaining you into a confrontation with your own denial...future-sight, hindsight from the future. Project our world condition forward in your mind. Consider the paths we're taking! WE x teases you with enough quantum science "faction" to take to that line between fact and fiction that will propel your imagination. Open your mind and recognize what must be done.. Future-sight ! We know you have it in you. WE x is filled with hyper-links to give you the opportunity to augment literature with visual experience...the big bang, Stephen Hawking, terrorism, 9/11, the energy crises, and much more. We'll take you as far as you want to go: a science faction adventure that engages you with story and leaves you with real insight. WE x is a convergence between the future and the chaotic world we know as the twenty first century. A fast read that gives you pause. You'll come back again and again because WE x renews itself continuously. In total frustration, Stephen Hawking asked Yahoo!Answers in 2006. "How can humanity sustain the next hundred years?". Here's how: WE x Face the Terror of our World Equation.

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