In the modern world, coming across as bolshie, outspoken and opinionated at a job interview usually guarantees that you are virtually unemployable. However, things are a bit different round at JD Investigations in Glasgow. There, it means that you're hired on the spot. If you enjoy Tartan Noir with a double shot of humour, join young Annie James as she begins her new job, working as a summer intern with Jack Davidson. However, she quickly finds out that this temporary gig is completely different from all the mind-numbing, zero-hours contracts she has endured since leaving college. Having at last found a job where she is encouraged to use her brain, she takes on the considerable challenge of trying to drag her new employer, an old-school private detective and confirmed technophobe, screaming and kicking into the 21st century. Jack instructs Annie in the dark arts required to be an effective private eye and she, in turn, uses her youthful enthusiasm and IT skills to try to help his failing business. Then an old case from Jack's past life, when he was a detective sergeant with Glasgow CID, returns to haunt him when the arsonist and killer Thomas Burke is unexpectedly released from prison. Swearing vengeance against the cop who put him away for eighteen years, he draws the two new partners into a deadly battle of wits where the psychopath always seems to be one step ahead. They are forced out of the city to a temporary safe haven on the scenic Solway coast, where they re-group and then return to Glasgow, ready to confront Jack's nemesis head on.