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Christmas Traditions
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April 1865
Автор: Winik Jay (EN)
Автор: Myers Ruth (EN)
Christmas Traditions
Author:Szymanski Helen (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Grandma's heirloom ornaments. The family carol singalong. Aunt Millie's fruitcake. We all have our special holiday traditions we practice year in and year out. This book not only embraces these old standbys, but also explores unique rituals celebrated the world over. This heartwarming collection evokes the memories of Christmas past with such stories as: Holly Berry Dreams, in which a young girl hangs holly leaves above the doorway as a sign of better times to come while waiting for her father to return from war; PJ Presents, featuring a single mom who enlists her neighbor to leave new pajamas on the front porch every Christmas Eve to surprise her children; Too Much Christmas, in which a young mother buys up all the leftover tags on the Giving Tree, leaving her with too many tags and too little money; Christmas Diaries, featuring a Scottish family who exchanges a diary every Christmas with their extended family in Germany that details the highlights of the past year. With touching stories like these, this book is the perfect gift to commemorate old traditions and create new traditions--for many Christmases to come.

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