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Globalisation of Corporate Governance
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Globalisation of Corporate Governance
Author:Davies Mr Adrian (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The structure of corporate governance has made significant progress in OECD countries but it remains imperfectly linked to the activities of many businesses. Its advance on the global stage will be hesitant and slow until its practice in OECD countries is more consistent and convincing. Weaknesses in corporate governance and law enforcement are impeding the investment needed to build the global economy to its full potential.The Globalisation of Corporate Governance: The Challenge of Clashing Cultures, explores the challenges of making corporate governance effective for all participants in a global economy.The tasks of:o reappraising the purpose of corporate governance in a global context;o reassessing ownership and the "agency principle" in a global context;o potential clashes of culture and how they may affect corporate governance;o understanding human motivation and how it can help to drive better governance;o relating corporate governance to a changing and uncertain external world;o coping with a lack of effective global institutions to underpin the globalisation of corporate governance and enforce the rule of law; ando using corporate governance to build resilience and sustainable success;need to be met if corporate governance is to succeed in driving globalisation and encouraginginvestment worldwide.

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