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Just Like That
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Just Like That
Author:Osho (SP)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    For Osho, all change is individual. There is no society to change change can only happen to each one of us, one at a time. So, no matter what the subject matter of the book, the thread that runs through all Osho s words is like a love song that we can suddenly, mysteriously, hear at just the right moment. And strangely, no matter what the words seem to be referring to, they are really only referring to us. This is no ordinary love song, more an invitation to open our hearts to hear something beyond the words, beyond the heart . . . a silence beyond all understanding where we all belong. Just Like That brings together Osho s talks on Sufi stories and Sufism. Osho, with his characteristic wit, incisiveness and irreverence, peels the layers of our consciousness and introduces us to ourselves.

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