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Critical ELT in Action
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Critical ELT in Action
Author:Crookes Graham V. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Uniquely bridging theory and practice, this text introduces and overviews the various domains associated with the term critical pedagogy in the field of TESOL/ELT. Critical pedagogy addresses concepts, values, curriculum, instructional and associated practices involved in language teaching for social justice. Bringing critical pedagogy to classroom practitioners in a practical and comprehensible way, the text is designed to help teachers get started on critically grounded work in their own teaching. Features* Textbook extracts offer direct and quick illustration of what this perspective might look like in practice* Coverage of feminist and anti-racist pedagogies; sexual identity, oppression and pedagogy; peace and environmental education; and critical English as a foreign language-and their implications for second-language teaching * Historical background* Theoretical background on language and learning* Consideration of applicability of critical/radical educational concepts and traditions to non-Western cultural contexts * A focus on issues of compromise and resistanceThis original, timely, and informative text is ideal for any course on methods and approaches in TESOL.

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