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Angry Kids
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Angry Kids
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    During the past several years, violence by children has dominated the media, exposing this issue as one of the new epidemics of our society. The slaughter of children by children at Littleton--and the backlash of similar incidents--have opened our eyes to the severity of this problem. But what is the cause of all this anger in kids? In Angry Kids, Richard Berry draws from his experience as a marriage and family therapist to provide some answers about angry kids to parents, teachers, youth workers, counselors, and school social workers. His biblical perspective challenges parents and children to be accountable for their actions while working out solutions. Well-written, timely, and practical, Angry Kids exposes three root causes of anger in children of all ages. It also explains how parents can inadvertently contribute to that rage, how they can help their children discover the real feelings behind their anger, and how to then teach them techniques for expressing and defusing that anger. Charts, specific examples, and practical application further clarify how to stop the spreading epidemic of angry kids.

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