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Programming with Higher-Order Logic
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Programming with Higher-Order Logic
Author:Nadathur Gopalan (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Formal systems that describe computations over syntactic structures occur frequently in computer science. Logic programming provides a natural framework for encoding and animating such systems. However, these systems often embody variable binding, a notion that must be treated carefully at a computational level. This book aims to show that a programming language based on a simply typed version of higher-order logic provides an elegant, declarative means for providing such a treatment. Three broad topics are covered in pursuit of this goal. First, a proof-theoretic framework that supports a general view of logic programming is identified. Second, an actual language called I Prolog is developed by applying this view to higher-order logic. Finally, a methodology for programming with specifications is exposed by showing how several computations over formal objects such as logical formulas, functional programs, and I -terms and I -calculus expressions can be encoded in I Prolog.

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