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Pleasing the Dead
Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh
Classic Steelers
Автор: Finoli David (EN)
Wired and Dangerous
Author:Koger Joe Harold (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A science fiction novel that takes the reader to the distant future and a far away world where man begins his first colonization of an alien planet. Journey with me, if you will, to that distant planet and witness the subsequent wars that ensue as the colony of man grows and separates into warring city/states. Meet the fascinating entity that threatens to destroy the world if man does not repent his ways, and see the love that develops between the hero and heroine as they endeavor to accomplish peace, aided by an intelligent feline that is native to the world. Meet Joriah, the creator of life in the known universe, as she bestows powers on Alyanna, a descendent of the original colonists . Meet Jason, an original colonist, who is the captain of the starship that transported the colonists from Earth and is returned to cryosleep shortly after the new colony is set up and awakened 900 years later. And meet Beth, the starship's computer, who is brought to life by Joriah and aids Jason and Alyanna in bringing peace to Terratoo. And meet Mordeck, the power hungry governor to seeks to control the world.

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