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Children's Story
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German DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
Автор: Swick Ed (EN)
Автор: Rankin Robert (EN)
Children's Story
Author:Clavell James (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    It was a simple incident in the life of James Clavella talk with his young daughter just home from schoolthat inspired this chilling tale of what could happen in twenty-five quietly devastating minutes. He writes, The Children's Story came into being that day. It was then that I really realized how vulnerable my child's mind was any mind, for that matterunder controlled circumstances. Normally I write and rewrite and re-rewrite, but this story came quicklyalmost by itself. Barely three words were changed. It pleases me greatly because I kept asking the questionsQuestions like, What's the use of 'I pledge allegiance' without understanding? Like Why is it so easy to divert thoughts? Like What is freedom? and Why is so hard to explain?The Children's Story keeps asking me all sorts of questions I cannot answer. Perhaps you canthen your child will....

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