Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
United States Currency
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And Then Came the Angels
Автор: Gayle Beth (EN)
100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins
Автор: Garrett Jeff (EN)
Guide Book of Gold Dollars
United States Currency
Author:Bressett Kenneth (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    No subject is more important to the rare-coin collector or investor than grading. Learning to grade the right way can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. In this second edition of his award-winning book, Q. David Bowers has written a unique set of step-by-step grading instructions for every U.S. coin, from half cents to double eagles. He explains the evolution of grading standards, how to "read" a coin's surfaces, expert techniques, smart buying tips, aspects of today's marketplace, and more. This detailed, insightful text is combined with hundreds of high-resolution color photographs to help you grade your entire coin collection.

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