Problem Solved!Uses your favorite top-drawer toolthe Post-it(R) Note. Great for individuals, great for groupslarge or small.Problems come in all shapes and sizes, yet most have common characteristics that can be addressed with the techniques found in this book. Rapid Problem-Solving with Post-it(R) Notes shows you how to use six types of techniques: The Post-upProvides methods for getting information into chunks The Swap SortShows listing and organization methods The Top-down TreeWorks when the nature of the problem is unknown The Information MapMaps messy problems and complex relationships The Action MapPlans actions or maps an existing process More than 70 diagrams and examples for solving everyday problems This refreshing book reminds us the simplest ideas are often the most effective.Solve problems, create solutions and find answers fastall with the help of Post-it(R) Notes. Tens of millions of Post-it(R) Notes users can now learn how to do far more with these great little tools. Post-it(R) Notes can be used to help solve difficult problems because they: Are the right size to hold one piece of information from a problem Are easily to attached to flat surfaces and stay put Can be moved and reattached many times