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Movable Type 3 Bible
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Movable Type 3 Bible
Author:Cadenhead Rogers (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    If Movable Type can do it, you can do it too By its very nature, the Web encourages change at a frenetic pace. Movable Type helps you manage that pace, and this is your indispensable guide to installing and using the most popular server-based personal publishing tool. From exploring Movable Type's template-driven publishing system to developing your own plug-ins, here's what you need to know to create and maintain sites as adaptable as the Web itself. Inside, you'll find what you need to know about Movable Type * Prepare your Web server and install Movable Type * Set up and configure a weblog, using archives and categories to create a more sophisticated site * Add visual elements with photos and graphics * Design a weblog with templates and use template tags * Establish communication among sites using trackback pings * Add search capabilities and import content from other blogs * Develop Perl-based plug-ins to enhance Movable Type * Configure Movable Type to receive and manage comments from site visitors * See what's new in Movable Type 3.1 in a bonus Movable Type 3.1 appendix

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