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Press Play
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Cecil B. DeMille
Screwing the Rules
Автор: House Laurel (EN)
CliffsNotes on Shakespeare's Sonnets
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Press Play
Author:Devine Eric (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Booklist Top 10 Sports Books for Youth: 2015Pound by sweaty pound, Greg Dunsmores plan is working. Greg is steadily losing weight while gaining the material he needs to make the documentary that will get him into film school and away from the constant jeers of Dun the Tun.But when Greg captures footage of brutal and bloody hazing by his towns championship-winning lacrosse team, he knows he has evidence that could damage as much as it could save. And if the harm is to himself and his future, is revealing the truth worth the cost?

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