Our nation is politically, ideologically, and socially polarized to the point of breaking; confusion dominates every layer of our culture. The church in America is ';a letter from Christ' (2 Cor. 3:3), written to our politically cynical, socially insecure, and spiritually skeptical culture. Before the Gospel may become clear in our ';post-everything' culture, we must make truth real in our hearts. The purpose of this book is to (1) redefine dualistic frames in the minds of contemporary Christians that separate the ';saved' from the advent of God's healing reign on Earth; (2) relate Christian compassion to a post-secular America; and (3) propose a redefinition of the Christian controlling narrative. Such a revised narrative will light the way for our ';restless hearts' so that we, as a nation, may return from exile to restoration and rejoice in the sovereign reign of God in Christ.