Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Contested Words
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Family, Gender and Kinship in Australia
Genocide Convention
Автор: Quigley John (EN)
Race Matters
Moment Of Madness
Contested Words
Author:Cram Mr Ian (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    In modern liberal democracies, rights-based judicial intervention in the policy choices of elected bodies has always been controversial. For some, such judicial intervention has trivialized and impoverished democratic politics. For others judges have contributed to a dynamic and healthy dialogue between the different spheres of the constitution, removed from pressures imposed on elected representatives to respond to popular sentiment.This book provides a critical evaluation of ongoing debates surrounding the judicial role in protecting fundamental human rights, focusing in particular on legislative/executive abridgment of a core freedom in western society namely, liberty of expression. A range of types of expression are considered, including expression related to electoral processes, political expression in general and sexually explicit forms of expression.

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