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Well-Bred Person's Book of Etiquette
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Well-Bred Person's Book of Etiquette
Author:Routledge George (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Before the days of unruly teenagers; 'ladettes'; aand a public obsessed with scandal, there existed a time of gentility and manners. Setting the standards of propriety was The Well-Bred Person's Book of Etiquette, the epitome of politeness consulted by anybody who was anybody. With advice ranging from how to introduce guests at a part, to the appropriate manner in which to court a loved one; from how to dress, to the acceptance and rejection of a marriage proposal; this fascinating book is a must-have for those aspiring to the dizzy heights of refined society. Whether you are eager to improve your own etiquette or simply wish to indulge in the fancies of polite society, The Well-Bred Person's Book of Etiquette is the ideal guide on how to be the perfect lady or gentleman.

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