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Spoils of War
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Spoils of War
Author:Murphy Warren (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The entire US Army is being forced to wage war on its own people by a pontificating tent-preacher and the blonde Venus traveling as his wife. But, saints be praised, top-secret agents Remo and Chiun are immune to his evangelical indoctrination, and their unorthodox tactics leave many a zombie-eyed Christian soldier prostrate on the ground. Chaplains are dying left and right, and an army base appears out of nowhere that answers to a higher authority than even the Pentagon. Agents of CURE postulate that a Middle Eastern power may have created these apocalyptic events, but the facts are cloistered in secrecy. When Remo and Chiun look for answers, they are met with more questions. Is this finally a conspiracy too complex for the Destroyer? Breathlessly action-packed and boasting a winning combination of thrills, humour and mysticism, the Destroyer is one of the bestselling series of all time.

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