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Everything In Its Place
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Everything In Its Place
Author:Palfrey Evelyn (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Bobble Strickland, an Austin elementary school principal, didn't really believe ex-army officer Ray Caldwell was coming on to her. She wasn't a young girl anymore, and, besides, she had bigger priorities than a relationship -- such as fighting her own daughter in court for custody of her grandchild. Yet, strong, honest Ray had the "right stuff" to make her feel like a desirable woman again. He had come back to Texas to heal, stunned by a divorce he never expected. Soon, he was entangled in Bobble's life, increasingly worried about the violence surrounding her daughter, Darlene, who was caught up in a web of drug addiction and secrets. Neither Bobbie nor Ray guessed how desperately Darlene was fighting to escape the demons of her past...in a drama that would test the strength of African-American faith and family values and all the courage in a woman's heart.

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