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American Pragmatists
Автор: Misak Cheryl (EN)
Table of Less Valued Knights
Demonata #2: Demon Thief
Автор: Shan Darren (EN)
Author:Vornholt John (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Enterprise journeys to Lorca, a beautiful world where the inhabitants wear masks to show their rank and station. There, Captain Picard and an away team begin a quest for the planet's ruler and the great Wisdom Mask that the leader traditionally wears. Their mission: establish diplomatic relations. But Picard and his party lose contact with the ship, and Commander Riker leads a search party down to the planet to find them. Both men are unaware that their searchs are part of a madman's plan. A madman who is setting a trap that will ensnare both landing parties, and leave him poised to seize control of the awesome Wisdom Mask... And the planet Lorca itself.

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