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Big Fat Bitch Book
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Big Fat Bitch Book
Author:Figes Kate (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Why do women excel at bitching? And are there ways to do it well? In this unique and entertaining book, Kate Figes explores girltalk, the way bitching erupts amongst teenage girls, the tenacity of female stereotypes as well as essential guidance on being the best kind of bitch - strong and self-assured rather than the bitch that needs to put other women down to feel stronger. Packed with witty anecdote, etiquette, interviews and contributions from strong bitches such as Kathy Lette, Wendy Holden and Virginia Ironside this is a must read for all women on the most delicious, yet dangerous of verbal art forms.

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