Buy Green. Eat Green. Save Green.If you've wanted to eat like it matters but felt you couldn't afford it, Wildly Affordable Organic is for you. It's easy to think that "organic" is a code word for "expensive," but it doesn't have to be. With these ingenious cooking plans and healthy, satisfying recipes, Linda Watson reveals the incredible secret of how you can eat well every day--from blueberry pancakes for breakfast to peach pie for dessert--averaging less than two dollars a meal.Get ready for wild savings! You'll discover how to:Ease your family into a greener lifestyle with the 20-minute starter planGo organic on just $5 a day--or go thrifty and spend even lessTake advantage of your freezer and freeze your costsFind the best deals at your local farmers'market or grocery storeCook easy, scrumptious, seasonal dishes from scratchPacked with tips for streamlining meals, from shopping and cooking to washing dishes, this book shows how sustainable living is within everyone's reach. Slow global warming with delicious dinners? Lose weight, save money, and save the polar bears at the same time? When you live the Wildly Affordable Organic way, it is possible! Join the movement to change the way you eat--and keep the change.