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Youse Two
Автор: Daddo Andrew (EN)
Автор: Pryor Michael (EN)
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Free Style
Author:Caisley Raewyn (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    'A fun and appealing read for all kids interested in swimming and sport in general. Grant Hackett, Olympic gold medallist In the pool Kate can focus on doing on what she loves best: finding her rhythm, staying perfectly balanced, functioning as smoothly as a machine. And there s nobody relying on her.Why can t Kate s dad, a soccer coach, understand that she prefers the pool to the soccer pitch? At least her cousin Melvin, with his rose-coloured sunnies and dazzling jewellery, believes in everyone having free style . And the Dolphins swimming coach seems to understand her or does he?Other sports fiction titles from RAEWYN CAISLEY include IN UNION, TENNIS STAR, NOT CRICKET, GREAT LEAD, HOT SHOT and TOP MARKS.

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