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Being Brandie
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Being Brandie
Author:Tucker Mary (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A novel for young readers about a girl coping with the changes that come with growing up.Brandie has just turned twelve and now everything seems to be different. Her body is changing in strange ways and her father suddenly expects her to behave like a young lady. Worst of all, Brandie and her mother just can t agree about anything, and when her mum decides it s time for her to learn all about the facts of life, she really freaks out! Then Brandie s mother gives her some letters she wrote to her imaginary daughter when she was Brandie's age, and through the letters, mother and daughter finally begin to understand each other.Other books from Mary Tucker include A LIFE OF MY OWN and AUNT HILDA BOCK AND THE RED SNAPPER INN.

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