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Integrative Medicine
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Integrative Medicine
Author:Hassed Craig (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Integrative Medicine - General Practice the Integrative Approach Series. This chapter introduces the concept of integrative medicine and the healthcare revolution. The emergence of evidence-based medicine and, more recently, evidence-based complementary medicine is challenging many previously held notions of best practice. As evidence emerges, many Western medical therapies are being confirmed as correct, or challenged as ineffective or harmful. Similarly, many complementary therapies are being confirmed as correct, while others are being found ineffective or harmful. Such is the inevitable evolution of healthcare. It is also important that evidence-based healthcare at very level be considered a 'work-in-progress', whether it is in the discovery of the genetic basis of disease, the development of previously untested technology or the clinical application of a treatment. The nature of scientific research is such that new information becomes available at a great rate, and that knowledge often changes the status quo. It is in the GP's consulting room that patients ideally have the opportunity to explore what is likely to be the best option for their healthcare. We see the gamut of health concerns, from a person wanting a check-up and interested in doing more to maintain good health, to a patient who is symptomatic and wanting a diagnosis and treatment, or a patient with an established diagnosis who is looking for either a cure or a way of optimising their wellbeing as they live with their illness.

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