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Herb-drug Interactions
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Автор: Foot Carole (EN)
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Herb-drug Interactions
Author:Hassed Craig (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Herb-Drug Interactions - General Practice: The Integrative Approach Series provides an introduction to herb-drug interactions. Complementary medicines such as herbal medicines are available through a variety of channels such as supermarkets, pharmacies, health-food stores, clinic rooms, internet sites and mail order companies. Many people self-select their products and do not receive professional advice about their safe and appropriate use. When using a complementary medicine, many do not discuss its use with their medical practitioner, either in the community or in the hospital setting. As more people take herbal medicines, the pressure increases on healthcare professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, naturopaths and herbalists to be well informed about the subject, and on researchers to fill the gaps in our current knowledge.

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