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Right Way to Teach Chess to Kids
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Right Way to Teach Chess to Kids
Author:James Richard (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This accessible how-to guide for parents and teachers on the best way to teach chess to children, from international chess expert Richard James, is linked to both his bestselling book, Chess for Kids, and his website chessKIDS academy.James, who taught grandmasters Luke McShane and Jonathan Rowson, shows how learning chessis interesting and fun. It can also help children develop life skills, such as decision-making and social skills, and be a springboard to other subjects in the school curriculum, such as maths, science, history and even languages.In an easy-to-follow, fun way, James explains how to structure short lessons with worksheets and other activities to introduce the chess pieces, chess notation and chess-board dynamics - sothat children can understand the thinking behind the moves and start playing and enjoying thisfascinating game.

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