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Echo Made Easy
Автор: Kaddoura Sam (EN)
Notes on Nursing
Guide to Radiological Procedures
Author:Holgate Stephen T (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The new edition of Allergy, by Drs. Stephen Holgate, Martin Church, David Broide, and Fernando Martinez, uses an enhanced clinical focus to provide the clear, accessible guidance you need to treat allergy patients. A more consistent format throughout features new differential diagnosis and treatment algorithms, updated therapeutic drug information in each chapter, and additional coverage of pediatric allergies. With current discussions of asthma, allergens, pollutants, drug treatment, and more, this comprehensive resource is ideal for any non-specialist who treats patients with allergies. Prescribe appropriate therapies and effectively manage patients' allergies using detailed treatment protocols. Identify allergic conditions quickly and easily with algorithms that provide at-a-glance assistance. Explore topics in greater detail using extensive references to key literature. Manage allergies in both adult and pediatric patients using coverage of treatment practices for both in each chapter. Stay current on hot topics including asthma, allergens, pollutants, and more. Get up-to-date coverage of cell-based condition with brand new chapters on Eosinophilia: Clinical Manifestations and Therapeutic Options and Systemic Mastocytosis. Apply the latest best practices through new and updated treatment algorithms. Find therapeutic drug information more easily with guidance incorporated into each chapter.

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