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Australian Lauxaniid Flies
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Australian Lauxaniid Flies
Author:Kim SP (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Lauxaniidae are one of the largest families of acalyptrate Diptera (series Schizophora) and are distributed in all the major zoogeographical regions of the world. Early taxonomic work on the family began in Europe and some notable studies were done during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since then few significant revisions on regional faunas have been undertaken. There are 142 recognized genera and about 1550 described species in the world fauna of Lauxaniidae as compiled from available references (Shewell 1965, 1977, 1986, 1987; Stuckenberg 1971a; Miller 1977a,c, 1980; Papp 1984a, 1984b; Yarom 1986; Evenhuis and Okadome 1989; Hirashima 1989; Broadhead 1989; Sasakawa and Pong 1990; Colless and McAlpine 1991; Sasakawa 1992; Silva, pers. comm.). The family has been divided into two subfamilies distinguished principally by the costal form: Homoneurinae Stuckenberg 1971 having a homoneuriform costa (its spinules stop abruptly at or just before the apex of R4 + 5) and Lauxaniinae Shewell 1977 with a sapromyziform costa (the spinules stop well before the apex of R4+ 5).

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