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Real Man in the Mirror
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Real Man in the Mirror
Author:Carver Dr. Dale (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Real Man in the Mirror is a picture of your true identity. It is the way God sees you through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. It explains your purpose and destiny as a child of God. This book will free a person from disqualifying themselves from serving the Kingdom of God. You are beautiful in God's eyes. God created man in His Image and in His likeness. The correct image of man was taken from him in the fall of Adam. Death was passed to all man because of Adam's disobedience. Not only was death passed down but a faulty picture of man and his purpose was, too. The original mandate of man found in Genesis 1:27-28 was to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue the earth, and to have dominion. Just because Adam fell does not mean that God changed His mind about who man was and the purpose in which he was created. Jesus came to seek and saved "that" which was lost. "That" which was lost was the whole purpose of man, the image in which he was created, and the relationship man had with Father God. Jesus has restored back to God "that" which was lost. Revelation of our true image is so needed in the body of Christ in order for us to grow up in Him and be the light that the world desires to see.

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