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Enemy of My Enemy
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Автор: Basu Mallika (EN)
Enemy of My Enemy
Author:Davidson Avram (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Seven Signs of Tarnis were: Green eyes Long fingers Long ears, with tips Smooth and hairless bodies Full mouths Slender feet Melodious voices Jerrod Northi - rogue, pirate and a citizen of Pemath - was desperate enough to want to go through the transformation. It cost 100,000 units for the Craftsmen to endow him with the Seven Signs - a rather steep price even for him. But he would pay it somehow, for since the attack of the deadly leeris, he feared that the cost of missing this opportunity to find a refuge in the land of Tarnis would be even higher.

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