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Death is a Dream
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Death is a Dream
Author:Tubb E.C. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Britain, years after the Debacle, and a new London has risen phoenix-like from near the ashes. Though Londoners have retained their physical purity through the ruthless destruction of generations of mutants, man is no longer the same, and society crueller. Cynicism and a whole-hearted recognition of the absolute power of money has replaced humanism, and a belief in reincarnation has replaced religion and the old moral code of 'doing unto others . . .' The individual can exist, has a right to exist, only if he is selfish. Death is a Dream is the story of three survivors from the twentieth century who awake from suspended animation in The Cradle to find themselves unemployable, and unfit to live by virtue of their commitments to out-dated ideals. As well as being an investigation of the form society may take after an atomic war, it is, by association, an indictment of society as it is now.

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