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ЛитМир: бестселлеры месяца
Vengeance of the Dancing Gods
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Автор: Grant Mira (EN)
No One's Girl
Автор: Goodwin Rosie (EN)
Vengeance of the Dancing Gods
Author:Chalker Jack L. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Throckmorton P. Ruddygore, master wizard, had troubles again - but this time, they were partly of his own making. He'd finally beaten the Dark Baron, stripped him of all magical power, and exiled him from Husaquahr to Earth. But he hadn't counted on the Baron's using a computer there to create even more effective spells. Of course, the Baron couldn't use those spells. But the forces of Hell soon sent him a second-rank wizard who could - and a demon in the cellar to amplify the spells' power. And now the Baron was developing a scheme which would surely result in Armageddon before its time! So once again Marge the fairy and Joe the barbarian were called on to do the dirty work. They had to return to their home world and somehow stop the Baron - if they could...

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    ЛитМир: бестселлеры месяца