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Complete Book of Funeral Planning, Readings and Music
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Complete Book of Funeral Planning, Readings and Music
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    To find the right words to use and right music to play is so difficult at certains times in life... There are few times when this is more true than when a loved one dies. When death comes, we want to find readings and music that most accurately express our thoughts and feelings. Whether they are for a parent, child, partner or best friend, you will find them in this invaluable book. There is great variety in the style and content of funerals as well as choice about where they take place and everything is covered here. Above all we want this final farewell to be the best we can arrange as an occasion for both reflection and remembrance. This book has been designed to help you make arrangements for yourself or another. You will find here a clear and informative resource to help you deal with both the practical and emotional issues that surround death.

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