Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Lutheran Theology
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Lutheran Theology
Author:Paulson Steven D. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This title offers an introduction for students and lay readers to doing theology in the Lutheran tradition. Lutheran theology found its source, and so its name in Martin Luther in the 16th century. The theology that emerged identified two essential matters for the relationship between humans and God, the law and the gospel. It made a simple but extremely unusual and controversial claim - that it was not the law that made a person right before God's final judgment, but the gospel of Christ's death on the cross for sinners. This book will lay out the implications of having all theology, and so all that can be said of God, humans and creation confessed and delivered in two parts: I, the sinner; and God, the justifier. Doing Theology introduces the major Christian traditions and their way of theological reflection. These volumes focus on the origins of a particular theological tradition, its foundations, key concepts, eminent thinkers and historical development. The series is aimed readers who want to learn more about their own theological heritage and identity: theology undergraduates, students in ministerial training and church study groups.

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