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Deleuze and Theology
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Deleuze and Theology
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    What can atheologian do with Deleuze? While using philosophy as a resource for theologyis nothing new, Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) presents a kind of limit-case forsuch a theological appropriation of philosophy: a thoroughly "modern"philosophy that would seem to be fundamentally hostile to Christian theology-aphilosophy of atheistic immanence with an essentially chaotic vision of theworld. Nonetheless, Deleuze's philosophy can generate many potentialintersections with theology opening onto a field of configurations: a fractiousmiddle between radical Deleuzian theologies that would think through theologyand reinterpret it from the perspective of some version of Deleuzian philosophyand other theologies that would seek to learn from and respond to Deleuze fromthe perspective of confessional theology-to take from the encounter withDeleuze an opportunity to clarify and reform an orthodox Christianself-understanding.

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