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Thinking and Seeing with Women in Revelation
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Thinking and Seeing with Women in Revelation
Author:Huber Lynn R. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Lynn R. Huber argues that the visionaryaspect of Revelation, with its use of metaphorical thinking and language, isthe crux of the text's persuasive power. Emerging from a context that employsimagery to promote imperial mythologies, Revelation draws upon a long traditionof using feminine imagery as a tool of persuasion. It does so even whileshaping a community identity in contrast to the dominant culture and inexclusive relationship with the Lamb. By drawing upon the work of medieval and modern visionaries, Huber answers acall to examine the way 'real' readers engage with biblical texts. Revealinghow Revelation continues to persuade audiences through appeals to the visualand provocative imagery she offers a new sense of how the text metaphoricallanguage simultaneously limits and invites new meaning, unfurling a range ofinterpretations.

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