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Dial M for Mongoose
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Subjects and Universal Grammar
Teaching Management
Elliptic Functions
Dial M for Mongoose
Author:Hale Bruce (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Chet Gecko's investigations often show him the seamy underbelly of school life, but this case throws him for a loop. A deadly stink bomb is unleashed, a school building falls to rubble, money goes missing from the principal's office, and that's just a start. Chet's endurance for trouble is tested, but so is his loyalty: Someone is trying to get his mongoose janitor pal Maureen DeBree fired. A true-blue P.I. doesn't take that kind of monkey business lying down. Standing up, maybe. And stand up he willto some very shifty school bullies. Chet keeps digging for the truth like a mole after an earthworm sandwich. Oh, foolish detective.

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