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lfric's Letter to the Monks of Eynsham
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lfric's Letter to the Monks of Eynsham
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Though best known today for his Old English homilies, the Anglo-Saxon scholar lfric also composed a Latin 'letter' to his fellow monks at Eynsham (Oxfordshire) containing a detailed outline of their daily and seasonal round of prayer and other duties. The document offers a rare glimpse of what ordinary monks in Anglo-Saxon England were expected to know and do. This 1999 book contains an edition of the Latin letters a textual commentary, and a complete English translation of the work. Dr Jones also provides substantial introductory chapters which establish the exceptional importance of the Eynsham letter for our understanding of late Anglo-Saxon monasticism and liturgy. The book will interest students of early medieval culture, monasticism and Church history.

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