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Film Copyright in the European Union
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Film Copyright in the European Union
Author:Kamina Pascal (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Intellectual property issues in the film industry are often highly complex and in today's world are evolving rapidly. In the first book on this subject, Pascal Kamina unravels the complexities of film protection in the fifteen member states of the European Union, giving special emphasis to the United Kingdom and France. As well as addressing key aspects of film copyright, Kamina also deals with the protection of film works within the European Union in the context of European harmonisation of copyright laws. He details the main features of the domestic legislations of EU member states, and identifies the difficulties awaiting a further harmonization of copyright and neighbouring rights in this field. This book will interest practitioners, academics and students. The developments on contracts and moral rights will be of particular interest to lawyers outside continental Europe.

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