* Be tax-conscious all year long and lower your tax rates * Record-keeping essentials to project your tax deductions * Year-end tax moves to cut your taxes Plan now-so you can save later With each new tax year comes new tax laws, and this year is no different. From the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, and the Victims of Terrorism Tax Relief Act of 2001 to the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, you can no longer afford to take a wait-and-see attitude when dealing with your taxes. You have to be proactive. If you're looking to avoid unwelcome surprises at tax time, pick up J.K. Lasser's Year-Round Tax Strategies 2003. Whether you invest in stocks or mutual funds, own a home, work from home, or own a business, this invaluable book provides tax-saving strategies that will guide you throughout the year-ensuring a shock-free April 15th. Plan ahead, prepare for new tax laws, and pay fewer taxes with the help of J.K. Lasser's Year-Round Tax Strategies 2003. Detailed tax coverage provides you with: * Comprehensive coverage of new tax legislation and IRS rules * Plain English explanations of income-reporting rules, tax deductions, and tax credits * Special sections highlighting tax-planning and tax-saving opportunities for investors, business owners, and individuals planning for retirement and other special circumstances * Questions and answers that illustrate tax-filing and tax-planning techniques