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Option Trader's Guide to Probability, Volatility, and Timing
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Option Trader's Guide to Probability, Volatility, and Timing
Author:Kaeppel Jay (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A comprehensive guide that lets you play the options game with confidence Due to the uncontrollable elements associated with options, many traders find themselves without practical strategies for specific situations. The Option Trader's Guide to Probability, Volatility, and Timing offers traders a variety of strategies to trade options intelligently and confidently in any given situation. With detail and objectivity, this book sets forth risk assessment guidelines, explains risk curve analysis, discusses exit methods, and uncovers some of the biggest mistakes options traders make. The Option Trader's Guide provides readers with strategies for trading options as well as expert advice on when to implement those strategies.

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