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How to Value, Buy, or Sell a Financial Advisory Practice
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How to Value, Buy, or Sell a Financial Advisory Practice
Author:Tibergien Mark C. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Financial planning is a young industry. The International Association of Financial Planning one of the predecessors to the Financial Planning Association was formed less than forty years ago. But as the profession's first tier of advisers reaches maturity, the decisions that may be part of transition planning for their firms loom large. A sale? A partner buyout? A merger? No matter what the choice, its viability hinges on one critical issue the value of the firm. Unfortunately, many advisers--whether veteran or novice simply don't know the worth of their practice or how to influence it. That's why How to Value, Buy, or Sell a Financial-Advisory Practice is such an important book. It takes advisers carefully through the logic and the legwork of coming to a true assessment of one of their most important personal assets their business. Renowned for their years of experience helping advisers tackle the daunting challenges related to the valuation, sale, and purchase of advisory firms, Mark C. Tibergien and Owen Dahl offer guidance that's essential and solutions that work.

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