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Environmentally Friendly Production of Pulp and Paper
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Environmentally Friendly Production of Pulp and Paper
Author:Bajpai Pratima (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Implementing Cleaner Production in the pulp and paper industry The large and still growing pulp and paper industry is a capital- and resource-intensive industry that contributes to many environmental problems, including global warming, human toxicity, ecotoxicity, photochemical oxidation, acidification, nutrification, and solid wastes. This important reference for professionals in the pulp and paper industry details how to improve manufacturing processes that not only cut down on the emission of pollutants but also increase productivity and decrease costs. Environmentally Friendly Production of Pulp and Paper guides professionals in the pulp and paper industry to implement the internationally recognized process of Cleaner Production (CP). It provides updated information on CP measures in: Raw material storage and preparation Pulping processes (Kraft, Sulphite, and Mechanical) Bleaching, recovery, and papermaking Emission treatment and recycled fiber processing In addition, the book includes a discussion on recent cleaner technologies and their implementation status and benefits in the pulp and paper industry. Covering every aspect of pulping and papermaking essential to the subject of reducing pollution, this is a must-have for paper and bioprocess engineers, environmental engineers, and corporations in the forest products industry.

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