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Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders
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Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders
Author:Sullivan Jeremy R. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A compelling and compassionate case study approach to a broad range of neuropsychological disorders Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders focuses on the neuropsychological assessment and evidence-based practices available for assessing and treating children living with the etiological and neurological components of various disorders. Each chapter provides one or more case studies along with helpful background information, assessment results, and recommendations based on assessment data. Bridging science and practice, the book reviews the scientific literature, research on clinical implications, and evidence-based treatment of such disorders as: Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Specific Language Impairment/Dysphasia Autism Spectrum Disorders Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Tourette Syndrome Traumatic Brain Injury Childhood Cancer Epilepsy Cerebrovascular Disease Low Birth Weight Environmental Toxin Exposure Neurotoxins, Pregnancy, and Subsequent Disorders Chromosomal Anomalies Neurocutaneous Disorders Metabolic Disorders Each case study complements the content of each chapter by illustrating how the assessment process can inform intervention efforts for children. In addition, the cases humanize the effects of various disorders and demonstrate the usefulness of neuropsychological information in treatment and intervention planning, especially within children's educational and social contexts.

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