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Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs
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Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs
Author:Mannix Darlene (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Ready-to-use lessons for teaching basic life skills to adolescents with special needs This book offers teachers and parents a unique collection of more than 200 worksheets to help adolescents with special needs build the life skills they need to achieve independence and succeed in everyday life. The book provides 22 complete teaching units focusing on basic life skills such as handling money, succeeding at school, using the Internet safely, getting and keeping a job, and much more. The book contains 90 reproducible worksheets for teaching students how to apply these life skills to real-life situations. A revised and updated edition of the classic book for teaching basic life skills to adolescents with special needs Includes complete teaching units with reproducible worksheets and discussion questions that teach basic life skills Offers ideas for fostering skills like using the Internet, handling money, succeeding at school, getting and keeping a job, and more Mannix is the best-selling author of Social Skills Activities for Special Children, Life Skills Activities for Special Children, and Writing Skills Activities for Special Children

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