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Building a Successful Home Staging Business
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Building a Successful Home Staging Business
Author:Schwarz Barb (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Let Barb Schwarz the creator of the Home Staging concept show you what it takes to make it in the Home Staging industry. In 1972, Barb Schwarz coined the term "Staging" to refer to the process of preparing a home for sale, and turned her idea into a brand new industry. Today, thanks to Schwarz's pioneering efforts, Home Staging has become a big business with enormous profit potential. If you are thinking about starting a Home Staging business of your own or just want to improve upon an existing one, then Building a Successful Home Staging Business is the book for you. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this practical guide will show you exactly how to set up a Home Staging business, and help you run and maintain the business as it grows. Some of the issues outlined throughout these pages include: How to write a business plan, market your company, and make the most of your resources How to work through the consulting, bidding, and Staging processes How to establish solid relationships with real estate agents and brokers How to obtain your Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) designation Filled with in-depth insights, expert advice, and proven strategies that Schwarz has developed over the course of her stellar career, Building a Successful Home Staging Business will put you in the perfect position to profit from the many opportunities that exist in this dynamic market.

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