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Conversations with Marketing Masters
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Conversations with Marketing Masters
Author:Mazur Laura (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Conversations with Marketing Masters offers new insights by gathering the collected wisdom of the most influential marketing thinkers of our age, each of whom has given a structured interview. Covering a wide range of issues and illustrating concepts with cases of success and failure, these seminal dialogues offer a rare look at what made each master great and a glimpse of the marketing future. The Marketing Masters featured are Philip Kotler, David Aaker, Jean-Claude Larreche, Regis McKenna, Don Peppers, John Quelch, Al Ries, Martha Rogers, Don Schultz, Patricia Seybold, Jack Trout and Lester Wunderman. The conversations are free-flowing dialogues in which each personality is allowed to shine through.

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