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Prime Time
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No Such Country
Автор: Crew Gary (EN)
The Expert Learner
Prime Time
Author:Brown Sandra (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    More than anything else, cable TV reporter Andrea Malone wanted a network job. And it could be hers if she gained a coveted interview with the aging General Ratiff -- especially if she uncovered the secret that drove him into seclusion at his Texas ranch. One obstacle was Lyon Ratiff, the general's watchdog of a son. Andrea had a plan, but had no way of knowing how Lyon's unexpected, undeniable effect on her would change everything, how they both would face a storm of suspicion and betrayal -- and how Andrea Malone would have to choose between the ruthless demands of her profession and the equally strong dictates of the heart.

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