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Amplitude Distribution Spectrometers V3
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Amplitude Distribution Spectrometers V3
Author:Scharf Waldemar (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Fundamental Studies in Engineering 3: Amplitude Distribution Spectrometers reviews amplitude or pulse-height distribution analyzers, both single- and multichannel types, and spectrometers, along with their construction and operation. It discusses the basic parameters of electrical impulses, the general parameters of amplitude distribution spectrometers, the conventional methods of analyzing amplitude distribution by means of single-channel spectrometers, analysis of amplitude spectra using computer methods, and methods and devices for multiparameter amplitude analysis. Comprised of eight chapters, this volume begins with an overview of physical phenomena that can be represented in the form of electrical impulses arising in transducers of physical quantities. It then discusses the use of pulse-height spectrometers to determine the height distributions of electrical impulses, trends in the development of pulse-height spectrometers, conventional pulse-height analysis, and multispectral scaling. The reader is methodically introduced to the analysis of Gaussian distributions, Fourier-transform analysis, and measuring units used in preliminary signal processing. Other chapters focus on spectrogram recording methods, methods of spectrum averaging, computer methods of spectral analysis, and methods of recording multi-parameter spectrograms. The book concludes with a review of the use of pulse-height spectrometers in a wide range of fields such as medicine, biology, astronomy, nuclear research, space research, and physico-chemical research. Users of amplitude spectrometers in various fields of science and technology will find this book extremely useful.

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